Comparison of Oozmi with other solutions

Comparison with the competition

Average competitor results. Comparison of our solution with Learn more about our technology.


Nemanja Granić

Tech Lead


Case Study


January 2025

Technical Specifications

Website performance is the result of multiple factors.

In fact, it would be impossible to cover all aspects of optimization in a single massive book. Some of the most important factors include:

  • Image Optimization (Format, Size, Processing, Discovery, and Grouping).
  • Server Responsiveness and Availability.
  • Elimination of Blocking Resources.
  • Search Speed.
  • Data Caching at Different Levels.
  • Controlled Execution of Third-Party Scripts.
  • File Compression for Security and Size Optimization.
  • DOM and CSS Selector Optimization.
  • Prevent Memory Leaks.

What is oozmi?

Each of these items requires careful planning and many resources. To speed up the process, oozmi has developed a unique technology that generates websites for different clients, while the core system is developed only once, optimized for all.

Read here about how we generate websites and reduce the costs of implementing new features:

The image shows the Hero Section of the success story page of our client, Games4You.

How we generate websites

How generating websites provides a no-compromise product while reducing development and maintenance costs. (read the full article)

How does oozmi differ from the competition?

oozmi achieves outstanding results, even when compared to the most expensively developed online stores. The difference lies in several key advantages:


Minimal load on the user`s machine


Efficient management of data flow through the network


Real-time prediction of the user journey

These advantages allow our system to achieve performance levels that are almost unattainable by the competition.

Competitive solutions

To showcase the performance difference, we divided the competitors into three groups:

An average example of a large online store in Serbia

Worst performance

Store developed by the most expensive competitor

Average performance

Store optimized according to the latest standards,

Good performance

How do we measure performance?

Since there are many factors that affect the user experience, there is no "one right" way to measure overall performance. Each website is a story made up of many chapters that must be measured individually to get the overall performance rating. For a detailed analysis, please contact:

The most commonly used tool for measuring performance is Lighthouse ( It is one of the best tools for measuring the initial performance of a website (which is just one part of the puzzle). Since Google uses it for ranking websites, a large portion of the performance will be shown as a result of this tool.

Fashion & Friends icon - fashion store logo

Poor performance - Fashion&Friends

For the average example of a large website in our market, we take Fashion&Friends. Like many websites on the Serbian market, "initial performance" (measured by Lighthouse) is just one of the issues they face. The tool results are:



Values are estimated and may vary. The performance score is calculated directly from these metrics. See calculator.


Our performance rating:


This is at the upper limit of websites in this category.

Dexy Co icon - toy store logo

Average performance - DexyCo

For an example of an expensive website, we take DexyCo. At first glance, these websites do not show drastically better performance, but even small improvements can have a significant impact on sales.

A detailed analysis reveals a major issue with database responsiveness during product list loading and search with multiple concurrent users.

When analyzing websites in this group, the main cause of issues is often the improper implementation of advanced features.

Additionally, the optimization of specific aspects of the website for the unique needs of each project is often neglected.



Values are estimated and may vary. The performance score is calculated directly from these metrics. See calculator.

Ananas icon - online store logo

Good performance - is an example of a website optimized according to the latest standards, without limitations on development cost. This is the maximum that can be achieved without using advanced technological solutions like those offered by oozmi.



Values are estimated and may vary. The performance score is calculated directly from these metrics. See calculator.


Our performance rating:


Performance with oozmi

oozmi utilizes various techniques to maximize every aspect of performance.



Values are estimated and may vary. The performance score is calculated directly from these metrics. See calculator.

90-100 vs. oozmi

In early 2024, we conducted a study comparing the performance difference between the website and an identical website using oozmi technology, with the same design and functionalities. The results showed significant improvements in performance brought by oozmi technology.

Ananas website - online shopping and product selection

In 95% of cases, user interaction was accurately predicted by our system, which significantly accelerated the loading of new pages.

In the remaining 5% of cases where predictions were not accurate, the Oozmi system reduced page load speed by 20%.


reduced initial data load.


reduced loading time on mobile phones.


faster loading on desktop devices.

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